Article by Mel Ulle
Talk to any nonprofit leader and they will tell you: burnout in the nonprofit sector is going to be one of the biggest and most tragic outcomes of the pandemic. After over 20 years working in this industry, I have never seen this level of staff turnover. Our employment statistics were already dicey with three to five years as the average tenure of a nonprofit CEO and an astounding 18 months for a development officer. But what we’re seeing today is more alarming with the release of a 2021 study conducted by Nonprofit HR reporting that 45% of nonprofit employees will seek new jobs by 2025.
What does this mean for the nonprofits in our community and their constituents? The resulting instability from that level of turnover will be devastating to program delivery and direct services. We should brace ourselves for the possibility that our favorite nonprofits may not weather the storm. We will likely see consolidation of services and a shrinkage in the sector.
Read the remainder of this article at Urban Life Wash Park.