Get to know Founder & CEO Melanie Ulle

How did you get involved in PE?

Funny. I got involved by creating it and hiring Erin and paying her first. Smartest decision ever, now that she’s my business partner!

What have you been streaming?

I’m streaming Sunny on Apple+ and I love all the scenes in Kyoto and the fun robot storylines. I’m basically constantly awaiting another Breaking Bad spinoff and I bide my time in between watching anything and everything else.

What do you do when you’re not working?

Outside of work I’m an avid reader and writer. It’s also possible that I watch more TV than any other living human.

What project or achievement are you most proud of in your role here?

I’m probably most proud of our work with TOSA, The Other Side Academy. We were instrumental in moving them to Denver. They’re a great alternative to sentencing with unbelievable results.

What project or achievement are you most proud of in your role here?

I’ve been spending more time in the philanthropic advising side of our business and it’s given me the opportunity to discover some really innovative organizations like the Debt Collective and UpTogether. Groups that are tackling poverty and social justice in really interesting ways, like buying debt from cities or universities and giving grants directly to people to use as they need. It’s so cool to see how nonprofits are always finding new solutions to age-old problems.

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