Article by Mel Ulle

In a post-COVID world, I believe there is a strong, deep, primal longing for human connection. We’re so digitally connected, (I know when your dog dies even though I haven’t spoken to you in 15 years kind of connected), but it feels like we’re drifting further apart. I think that’s why the nonprofits that are getting people together in real life to share ideas and actually connect and collaborate are so incredibly important right now. They create spaces where real conversations can happen, where people from different walks of life can talk to each other, not at each other. I really do believe in the power of connecting as real live human beings and bringing our unique perspectives to the table. People start to understand each other better, build empathy, and actually break down those paper-thin walls that divide us.  It’s so easy to be petty, and critical online but it’s much harder when you’re in a room together. So many times, I’ve been pleasantly delighted to see that when you have a bunch of smart people in one room, even if they come from vastly different backgrounds, you get new ideas to solve our dreaded social ills. I know the word innovation is buzzy and annoying, but it’s also real and it matters. When a bunch of smarties are together, they find new innovative ways to solve problems, whether they’re local or global. And honestly, building a sense of community is more important than ever with these places/spaces/organizations help us feel like we belong, and like we’re part of something bigger than ourselves.

Biennial of the Americas is a perfect example. Every two years, they bring leaders from all over the Americas together to talk about the issues that really matter. They have panels, workshops, art, performances – everything to expand our pea brains just a bit. The Biennial also takes its work on the road, connecting people in other cities like Mexico City. They understand that these conversations can’t just happen in one place. They need to be happening all over the hemisphere expanding the dialogue, bringing in more voices, and building a truly pan-American network. Gathering people from government, business, universities, and the arts together allows us to actually work on real solutions. At a time when I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling constantly bombarded with negativity, the Biennial brings the light. We need more of the light! The light is essential if we want to tackle the big issues facing us, like climate change, inequality, inflation, and that giant asteroid I’ve been reading about that’s headed to earth, etc…

To be clear, the Biennial isn’t the only group that’s working hard to bring us together. We have organizations throughout our beloved Colorado doing amazing work on a more local level. Civico is another glowing example. They’re connecting people and pumping up our collective civic engagement muscles. They understand that strong communities are built when people are actively involved and working together. I enjoyed the opportunity to serve as one of Civico’s Governors’ Fellows a few years ago, which gave me time (one full day) each month with leaders from across the state in varied industries with a shared commitment to making Colorado better. It was an incredible experience and one that I highly recommend, but you can join Civico without the fellowship and get many of the same benefits.

There are many, many other groups bringing people together from the Aspen Institute to our local community foundations, public broadcasting agencies, universities, community foundations and United Way Chapters and there are hundreds of touchpoints for engagement, which is to say as much or as little as you want.

Honestly, I think all of these organizations – whether they’re working on a hemispheric scale like the Biennial or focusing on our great state exclusively – are more important than ever. They bring the light and give me hope. I think it’s healthy right now to know that even when things feel divided, there are still places where we can connect, learn from each other, and keep working to build a better future.

Read Melanie Ulle’s monthly Making a Difference Articles at Urban Life Wash Park.

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