Philanthropy Expert

Bridging the Gap: Horizons Creates Opportunity for Under-resourced Students

2024-05-20T10:09:56-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

What happens when a local nonprofit has a bold vision to build a future in which every Colorado child thrives intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically? When the devoted team works with kids in the summer and throughout the year with a keen focus on the whole child through academic skill-building, social-emotional support, health, and wellness activities? [...]

A Phone Call Away From a New Life

2024-04-08T12:18:02-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

Last year, I had a narrow glimpse into the lives and challenges of domestic violence survivors when a dear friend left her partner/abuser of several years. We frequently talk now about how the cell phone I gave her, and the corresponding service plan was her lifeline. I would never have known the power of a new cell phone for a person in crisis without watching it live and in real time. [...]

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