Philanthropy Expert

Cahn Fellows Provides Support for the District’s Most Valuable Players

2023-06-21T10:18:52-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

High-performing leaders typically lead high-performing schools. Look around, and you’ll see this truth in action everywhere and (unfortunately) the inverse. Your kid’s patchworked elementary school with chronic teacher turnover and messy classrooms is usually not run by an exceptional director. [...]

Making Denver Cooler: the Sun Valley Viaduct Night Market

2023-06-21T10:14:05-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

There is just a boatload of greatness pouring out of the small narrow sliver we call Sun Valley, a neighborhood which includes the city’s football stadium, Meow Wolf, a major Denver Housing Authority redevelopment, and Denver’s first Latino-owned brewery, Raices Brewing, among other cultural, food and drink phenomena. [...]

The Freshest Idea for Colorado Gardeners

2023-06-21T10:14:56-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

Occasionally, you learn about a nonprofit that is doing something so simple, obvious, and necessary that it causes a smallish explosion in your brain. And then you ask yourself, “is everyone in the world smarter than me and thinking up brilliant solutions to the world’s most complex issues while I am just sitting here watching comedies on Brit Box?” And the answer is “yes.” [...]

Clela Rorex: The Legend We Hardly Knew

2023-03-08T09:21:05-07:00Philanthropy Expert|

One evening, last spring, I attended yet another fundraising event for yet another nonprofit organization serving kids in Colorado. As is often the case, I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be better to stay home and watch television? It’s important to note that I would rather be watching television 90% of the time. I know that may depress most Coloradans, but alas I do my best to bring some extracurricular diversity to the state. [...]

Meet Colorado’s Dream Team

2023-01-09T10:45:18-07:00Philanthropy Expert|

One evening, last spring, I attended yet another fundraising event for yet another nonprofit organization serving kids in Colorado. As is often the case, I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be better to stay home and watch television? It’s important to note that I would rather be watching television 90% of the time. I know that may depress most Coloradans, but alas I do my best to bring some extracurricular diversity to the state. [...]

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