Philanthropy Expert

Winter’s Blessing: Supporting Neighbors Through Service (and Song)

2023-12-11T09:27:02-07:00Philanthropy Expert|

Colorado’s winter months offer spectacular snow-covered views and fresh mountain air, but for older adults, this time of year can pose ample challenges. As temperatures drop and snow blankets the state, seniors may face isolation, limited mobility, and increased difficulties in meeting their daily needs.[...]

BEN Colorado: Supporting Entrepreneurs & Creating Jobs

2023-11-14T09:30:04-07:00Philanthropy Expert|

BEN Colorado is not your typical nonprofit organization. I think most folks think “nonprofit” then they think “charity” then they think “direct service organization” like a food pantry or a shelter. That is not BEN. The group is singularly focused on supporting Colorado’s entrepreneurs. They tend to the dreamers, risk-takers and empire-builders. [...]

Cahn Fellows Provides Support for the District’s Most Valuable Players

2023-06-21T10:18:52-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

High-performing leaders typically lead high-performing schools. Look around, and you’ll see this truth in action everywhere and (unfortunately) the inverse. Your kid’s patchworked elementary school with chronic teacher turnover and messy classrooms is usually not run by an exceptional director. [...]

Making Denver Cooler: the Sun Valley Viaduct Night Market

2023-06-21T10:14:05-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

There is just a boatload of greatness pouring out of the small narrow sliver we call Sun Valley, a neighborhood which includes the city’s football stadium, Meow Wolf, a major Denver Housing Authority redevelopment, and Denver’s first Latino-owned brewery, Raices Brewing, among other cultural, food and drink phenomena. [...]

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