Philanthropy Expert

Tattered Cover: More Than a Bookstore

2022-07-25T13:06:21-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

Tattered Cover is an iconic bookstore in Denver, but it has always been so much more for those who grew up in this city. All of us have a special memory or memories of Tattered Cover. It might be the hours spent every weekend for two years in the lower level of the Cherry Creek store reading about different colleges and universities all over the country. [...]

Support Your Local Theater: Buntport Theater

2022-07-25T13:07:10-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

I am going to say something controversial. Theater is boring. My dad describes opera in a way that I think embodies my feeling about theater: it’s a really expensive and uncomfortable nap. I don’t even want to be awake past 8:30 pm, which makes most productions of basically anything on a stage feel like a major imposition. I don’t like things standing between me and the Land of Sleepy-Sleepy. [...]

Girls Athletic Leadership Schools of Denver

2022-07-25T13:08:37-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

There is a place where middle school girls can run, scream, dance and crab-walk through the hallways between classes. A place where math is taught in action with things like the “fraction dance” and where girls are encouraged to be bold, honest and authentic. It’s kind of the opposite of the middle school experience that most people endured and barely survived. [...]

Training Not Shaming

2022-07-25T13:09:36-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

After 20+ years as a professional fundraiser I can say with confidence that our industry should win a prize for having the highest expectations and the lowest level of investment in our employees. The prize could be called, "Worst in Show" and it would feature a promo video of a barking gaggle of well-intended nonprofit leaders pointing to a spreadsheet and demanding answers. [...]

Thank you SBA

2022-07-25T13:10:37-06:00Philanthropy Expert|

I wrote a couple months ago about the heartbreak, and then rage I felt when my company didn't receive the PPP funding to support our employees. Later, we did receive that funding. Not only that, we also received an EIDL loan for our business. [...]

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